Evolution: The Grand Experiment
Book Series
Volume 3
Untold Stories of Human Evolution

Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Volume 3, UNTOLD STORIES OF HUMAN EVOLUTION, by Dr. Carl Werner – More than 900 photographs including original fossils and dig sites.
Did humans evolve from apes? Readers are given a rare insight into the world of anthropology and ape-man fossils, as well as how to evaluate the evidence. Most scientists wish that you never heard about these five untold stories of human evolution.
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Volume 5
Bibliography for Human Evolution

This book contains the Bibliographies of the previous two volumes in this series: Volume 3, UNTOLD STORIES OF HUMAN EVOLUTION and Volume 4, NINE CATEGORIES OF OVERTURNED APE-MEN.
—More than 2,600 highly-researched references including articles translated from French, Spanish, German, and Dutch
—More than 430 pages
—Author notes and insights
—This book contains invaluable information for the serious student of this topic
—Headers and footers on each page to quickly locate footnotes.
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Volume 2
Living Fossils

Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Volume 2, LIVING FOSSILS, by Dr. Carl Werner – More than 700 photographs of fossils, plants, and animals.
Were the animals and plants during the time of the dinosaurs different than the animals and plants living today, suggesting animals and plants evolved? Or were the plants and animals during the time of the dinosaurs the same, suggesting that dinosaurs simply went extinction? Learn why museums will need to change their displays based on the facts presented here.
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Volume 4
Nine Categories Of Overturned Ape-Men

Evolution: The Grand Experiment, Volume 4, NINE CATEGORIES OF OVERTURNED APE-MEN, by Dr. Carl Werner – More than 1,000 photos including photos of original fossils and dig sites. More than 230 species of ape-men have been overturned since Darwin’s time. But what did they turn out to be? Answer: Monkeys, apes, mammals (non-primate), humans, reptiles and others. While he worked to categorize these overturned ape-men, the author uncovered more than 150 frauds committed by scientists working in the field of human evolution. These frauds are detailed in this book along with Episodes 5-8 in the video series.
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Bundle 4
Buy Human Evolution: Volumes 3/4 (Hardcover)

6-part Human Evolution Miniseries

These two hardbound volumes addressing the theory of human evolution contain more than 1,900 beautiful photographs and present problems with the theory of human evolution in an easy to understand format.
The Human Evolution Miniseries on DVD (Episodes 3-8 of the Grand Experiment series) are each 50+ minutes and were shot on location in Africa, Europe, Australia, and South America.
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Bundle 2
The Complete Grand Experiment Library!
Buy all 5 Volumes (Hardcover)...

AND all 8 Videos (DVDs)

Buy The Grand Experiment complete Library (all 5 hardbound volumes and all 8 video episodes on DVD) and save 20%. The 5 hardbound volumes contain more than 3,300 beautiful photographs and are presented in an easy to understand format. The beautiful 8 50+ minute episodes were filmed on 5 continents at dig sites from around the world, the Great Barrier Reef, Kruger National Park and many more on-site locations.